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We coordinate and host exceptional events for organizations, small businesses, astrologers, and students locally, nationally, and around the world.


Our vision is you and me. We are all roving souls. Every single thing you meet is a roving soul. You know your gut feelings? When you feel like something you’ve never seen before is oddly familiar? These are soul memories buried deep within our consciousness. As we traverse this world, perhaps from incarnation to incarnation, we are all roving souls experiencing being human in an ever-expanding universe. And so we invite you to gather our roving souls to learn and love and grow.



Geoff Gronlund

Geoff Gronlund is a certified Evolutionary Astrologer who has studied astrology for nearly 30 years. He was certified by Maurice Fernandez in 2017, passed Gemini Brett’s Astronomy for Astrologers course in 2020, and plans to be certified by the Organization for Professional Astrology (OPA) in 2023.

Working with some of the greatest astrologers in the world, Geoff served on the board of directors for the Organization for Professional Astrology (OPA) from 2017 to 2022 as Outreach and Internal Programs Director, where he helped navigate this ever-expanding international astrology community.

Geoff currently writes a weekly astrology column for New England-based Mexicali Blues. You can read and subscribe to his column here.

Geoff lives in Maine with his wife, Angelina, and two children. Together they are co-founders of Roving Souls, LLC, and enjoy coordinating astrological events for all levels of astrologers around the world. 

Angelina Gronlund

Throughout my years of intense astrology studies there has been a tremendous opportunity to dive deep into my own soul and meet a family of friends from all over the world.

I have been coordinating the in-person and virtual conferences for the Organization for Professional Astrology (OPA) since 2018, and am now Treasurer

of their 501(c)6 organization.


I see myself as a hard-working, caring, sensitive, and compassionate person who appreciates a good plan.


After 30 years in hospitality, I brought my work home, and now I specialize in coordinating and planning destination events and workshops for astrologers and the astrology community all around the world, including OPA. Please contact me below if you are interested in manifesting an event in the future.



Thank you for you inquiry! We will be in touch soon.

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© 2024 Roving Souls™

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